Whole Soul School and Foundation
Whole Soul School and Foundation is dedicated to inspiring connection with The Arts, The Earth, Animals, and Abundance through conversations, experiences, and conscious media. We are a Wealth of Inspiration for the Awakening Soul. Our positive messages and product offerings aim to empower people in their journeys of personal transformation and to deepen their connection with the world around them. Please visit our website at https://wholesoulschoolandfoundation.org. Thank you for joining us and for your support.
Whole Soul School and Foundation
#13 Global Spotlight: Dr. Terry Cole-Whittaker ~ Step #8 Absorb Yourself In Spiritual Earthly Riches
To donate to Whole Soul School and Foundation, click here: https://give.cornerstone.cc/wholesoulschoolandfoundation In Global Spotlight #Dr.13, Dr. Terry Cole-Whittaker joins Marie Mohler to explore the 8th Step of Dr. Terry's 8 Steps to Spiritual & Earthly Riches series. In this podcast, we discuss Absorbing Ourselves In Spiritual and Earthly Practices. Themes include reconnecting with the Earth, the gifts of going to The River, the blessings of going back to the Beginning and reconnecting with the Basics (Oxygen, Hydrogen, & the Soil), the power of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine that together grow an incredible Garden of Life and Light, and more. Dr. Terry offers a wellspring of incredible stories and insights, and her keen awareness to assist you and our Collective Humanity to remember the Truth of Who We Are. Dr. Terry Cole-Whittaker is the author of 6 best-selling books: What You Think of Me is None of My Business, New York Times bestseller How to Have More in a Have Not World, The Inner Path, Love and Power in a World Without Limits, Dare to be Great, & Live Your Bliss. Check them out!
To learn more about Dr. Terry Cole-Whittaker, her offerings and published work, and to contact her, please visit her website: https://terrycolewhittaker.com/
To learn more about these important 8 Important Steps and to access many other wonderful insights, visit Dr. Terry Cole-Whittaker's blog: https://terrycolewhittaker.substack.com/ You will find her writings about Step #8 here: https://terrycolewhittaker.substack.com/p/step-eight-absorb-yourself-in-spiritual
We will be back again soon to talk about new topics and insights based on Dr. Terry's book "Love and Power in a World Without Limits!" Please share this podcast with friends and family who might resonate and benefit from it.
For more information and to check out Marie's channeled messages, songs, and products, please visit: https://frequencywriter.com
To contact her, send email to: info@frequencywriter.com
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400 S. Elliott Rd., Suite D259
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
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